Tuesday 2 August 2011

Unemployment rate:
ratio of unemployment
15% (2010 est.) 
14% (2009 est.) 

Mass unemployment is one of the worst misfortunes that the world of today is facing even developed countries like America, Britain and France are also crumbling under its sinister away in Pakistan, the situation is more alarming. According to the 1991 census, 1.27 million people are unemployed. Each year there are about 8 lakh new entrants into the labour force in Pakistan. To generate employment for these new entrants the labour force is a grave problem.
There are a number of causes of unemployment in Pakistan

Causes of Unemployment in Pakistan:

1.   Law and order situation: deteriorating law and order situation has slowed down the tempo of economic activity. Karachi is the biggest industrial base of our country but investors are reluctant to invest there because of continues unrest and violence.

2.   Education System: Our education system is also responsible for the high unemployment rate among the educated youth

3.   Increasing population: The most important of these causes is non-stop increasing population.

4.   The attitude of our youth: The attitude of our youth towards the choice of a career is also unrealistic and unproductive. They want to get only some white-collar job. In many developed countries people take pride in working as a butcher, tailor, hairdresser or a mechanic. This job reserved only for the illiterate and for those who belong to the lower class of society.
5.   Mechanization: Rapid mechanization and computer technology are also causing unemployment. Unnecessary and frequent strikes in factories have compelled the owners to go for automation and such technology as requires less manpower.
6.   Lack of infra structure facilities: lack of infrastructure facilities, especially in the field of energy and telecommunication and transportation also prevent the industrialist from setting up new industries.
7.   Smuggling:  large scale smuggling which has flooded the market with cheaper goods poses a serious threat to the development of local industry.
Strike against govt
8.   Bureaucratic control: Tight bureaucratic control on the economy, inadequate credit facilities and complex tax system are also some important factors that are creating hurdles in the way of private sector investment in industrial projects.

9.   The flight of the rural unemployed youth to the urban areas is further accentuating the problem. Unemployment in rural areas is due to population pressure, sub divisions of holdings, loss of productive land as a result of water logging and salinity.

The effect of this large scale unemployment is that it is creating many social, political and psychological problems. The frustrated youth of the country is falling a pray to drug addiction violence theft and many other social evils.

working women
In order to combat unemployment we must speed up the pace of industrial development. This can be done by improving the law and order situation, protecting local industries reshaping the education system to produce more specialized and technically qualified man power, introducing self employment schemes, establishing the small industries in rural and under developed areas and by changing the outlook of the youth so that they do not hesitate to accept even a blue-collar job


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